Peaceful workflow.

Joyful teams



Ecaldima is focused on providing its customers with constant support and advising them on any new needs that may arise, in order to facilitate their continuous growth.

Sukha is a state of well-being and permanent harmony, where everything flows on a daily basis and allows to be oriented towards a constant development.

In Ecaldima, we want our customers to experience this tranquility and harmony at all times, for this reason this technical support, which is included in the hiring of any of our solutions, is focused on resolving incidents and problems that arise in the shortest time possible, thus maintaining an atmosphere of well-being for our users. Your peace of mind is our happiness.


Sukha is a state of well-being and permanent harmony, where everything flows on a daily basis and allows to be oriented towards a constant development.

If all else begins to fail, the Dahi solves the problem and then returns to its rest waiting for the next opportunity to reappear.

Our Dahi technical support is a package of hours that companies contract to use at times when they need it most. Whether it is a one-time need or a project to be developed, our technical team will be with them permanently, giving them quality support and making sure everything is working properly. At Ecaldima we will be happy to assist you whenever you need it.

Sarik represents important values such as trust, strength and solidarity that we all need to move towards our goals.

Sarik is Ecaldima’s premium support. By contracting this technical support, companies are assured that their operations are supervised and protected at all times, thus guaranteeing an environment of tranquility that allows them to focus on important actions for their development. With Sarik, Ecaldima is always there, providing constant and personalized technical support.

SUKHA Support

(Support Included)
Monday to Friday
08:30 – 18:00

DAHI Support

(Package of hours)
Monday to Friday
08:30 – 18:00

SARIK Support

(Premium Support)
00:00 – 24:00

Creation and follow-up of requests through the support portal.

Implementation of hotfix for critical cases

Remote support for failure analysis

Supply of new product versions

Newsletter about product updates

Creation and follow-up of telephone requests

Technical Account Manager

Remote installation of updates

Health Check of the Ecaldima platform (1)

Implementation of hotfix for non-critical cases

Assistance on the use of the product (How to)

Consulting and analysis prior to product upgrade

Monitoring of specific areas of Ecaldima

Use of long-term service branch (LTSB)

Ecaldima Configuration (2)

Discount on training courses at Ecaldima Academy

(1) An annual status review is included for On Premise installation. (2) Ecaldima configuration for a maximum of 60 days per year on SARIK support.
Ecaldima - Peaceful workflows. Joyful teams

Do you need to know more?

Contact us and we will tell you about the solution that best suits your business


Contact information


Calle Ronda Poniente 7, Planta 3,
Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid)

(+34) 91 104 23 19 (España)
(+33) 04 88 82 81 57 (France)